
Changing an article
Item name or description can always be changed. Adjusting a segment e.g. Brand / color group / size group etc. can only be adjusted if this article has no...
Add package weight
It is possible to record the weight of the packages. An estimate must be made of the weight of the various packages. Then from XL-ENZ, via the report g...
Price differences based on sizes
It is possible to indicate a price difference between the small sizes and the large sizes within an article number. The price breaks at the customized ...
Create a new barcode type
With the Barcode types program it is possible to create a new type of barcode. Click here to consult the manual for the explanation of creating a new Ba...
Enter discount
You have the option to indicate two discount numbers for an item. If you want to apply a discount, enter the first field and leave the second discount f...
Item dimensions cannot be selected
If the item dimensions cannot be selected in the replace / cancel items program, it is important to check the next step. The reason that this (often) do...
Add directory / folder for images
Adding a folder for images is described in the article management manual very summer. Chapter 8 and Chapter 20.2 describe how you can easily link the images...
Export purchase prices to Excel
Via the report generator with the data set 'Item Purchase Data Export' it is possible to export the purchase prices per item to Excel.
Problems with creating articles
If you are unable to create an item, it is important to check the following. An article must, if applicable, be linked to quality and / or colors and / ...