
Goods receipt
If a (selected) receipt line can no longer be changed under 'Register goods receipt', then the relevant line will already be linked to a purchase in...
WMS vs returns
To create Returns and counter orders from WMS whereby a delivery note is generated directly, an application location and a location must be used for a physi...
Change packing list label
This label can be adjusted via the menu: System administration -> Control software -> Document labels
Empty the warehouse
Please note, it is important to first try it in the test environment. With the Zero Stock Inventory program use selection. This can be found in the men...
Scanner Reset
When the scanner is stuck it can be reset with the following steps: - Press the red button once (do not hold) - Choose the 'Safe Battery Swap' opti...
Freight costs change
The freight costs are recorded in the Delivery Terms Maintenance program, see below. Here it is also possible to record the freight costs as a percentage. ...